Maranatha Student Career Center (MSCC) co-operated with the Bisnis Mahasiswa Unit (UBM) and Inbek Management held talkshow that featured “One Day Talkshow as an editorial: the Jadi Presenter Beken Method. ” Acara bincang-bincang this invited the presenter who indeed has been well known that is Indra Bekti and Indy Barends. The agenda that was classified as grand this just was begun in struck 17,00 WIB where one hour beforehand, the spectators have flooded the area of GSG. Tampaknya they were indeed very enthusiastic want to very much saw the normal speaker was seen by them in the glasses screen. Rinny for example. The semester student of three Industri technical routes was willing meluangkan the time was waiting around GSG since two hours before the agenda. “Memang I and friends has from two previous hours here to if able to enter, we wanted to sit in the seat most depan,” he said while laughing during diwawancara by DWA. Kemudian he also added that he really want to very much saw Indra and Indy directly, moreover the agenda that had the theme.
When Indy arrived in UKM, the two presenters who were known as the master of ceremonies “Ceriwis” in this Trans TV immediately was brought memutari GSG to be able to emerge from the stand on the stage so as will become surprise for the spectators. Instantly Indra said “Haloooo Maranatha”, then the spectators then shouted hysterical and sought from where the voice came. The Indy emergence could be then considered to be startling the spectator because beforehand Indra and the committee agreed to say that Indy will not come. When the spectator heard the Indy voice, not a little of the they who then moved from his seat and afterwards ran pursued Indy to take the picture. The agenda that was opened by the welcome from Mr Rektor UKM this afterwards was continued by inviting ten spectators who beforehand have registered himself to join a kind of the presenter's their respective contest to be given by time five minutes then. After they were finished, they were afterwards considered and commented directly on by Indra and Indy. This agenda was met by candaan Indy
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Tips Presenter Radio
Tips Untuk Menjadi Seorang Presenter Radio yang baik, diperlukan beberapa hal antara lain adalah:
1. Olah suara yang baik.
2. Membaca yang jelas, dalam artian suara jelas adalah tidak adanya gema suara.
3. terbiasa bicara didepan mic, agar tidak muncul terdengar gagap.
Dengan tips pertama ini diharapkan para peserta presenter bisa menjadi yang terbaik dalam pekerjaanya, terutama MC yang setiap hari harus on line.
1. Olah suara yang baik.
2. Membaca yang jelas, dalam artian suara jelas adalah tidak adanya gema suara.
3. terbiasa bicara didepan mic, agar tidak muncul terdengar gagap.
Dengan tips pertama ini diharapkan para peserta presenter bisa menjadi yang terbaik dalam pekerjaanya, terutama MC yang setiap hari harus on line.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Program Presenter Power Point Dengan bantuan Flash
With menggunaka adobe flash, then file power point could be transferred direct inside mode flash, that eventually can give the picture and the better colour and menarik. therefore the presenter who was done will increase the positive value in the system presenter. to know your further functions could link here...
flash player,
power point
Monday, December 1, 2008
Tantowi Yahya, Education would receive program how appeared as the presenter/MC professional
This training was designed for the beginners and professional that ingin better understood the Presenter's profession/MC. Education would receive program how appeared as the presenter/MC professional, made schedule in accordance with the theme of the agenda, improvisation and ice breaking as well as mode the interview with audiens.
- Tantowi Yahya
- Tubagus Wahyudi
- Ahmad Zae Hanan
- Charles Bonar Sirait
- Amy Zein
- Kiki Ismail
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Mr. Robert, so MC the presenter in our agenda
There was one of SMS. Mr. Robert, so MC/the presenter in our agenda … etc.. Oops. After I thought about it, this was the offer that was umpteenth for me to MC or the presenter. If becoming the presenter in the meaning gave presentation material I have been normal, but this time that was meant to be to become the agenda guide. Nah right. Evidently requirement from them was the person who understood of information technology/the telecommunications and could speak England, because of his participants had some (big? ) was the foreigner. Nah right. Nah right, nah right continued! Apparently must receive this new profession. Only, I have tried several times evidently was not easy to become MC/the presenter. (must study to Sir Angger here. ) was increased still must speak England also. Oh, must see the presenter's video in Oscar's agenda, Emmy, Music awards the time ok? I have to sharpen up my English and (English) joke. Or better the jet, let me switch my carrier into a stand up.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The loyal viewer Trans7 especially the tracks program

The loyal viewer Trans7 especially the tracks program of the Wanderer possibly still remembered with the disaster incident long boat that struck the team of the expedition of Papua Jejak of the Wanderer some time before. One from 5 crews that took part in becoming casualties was a young female noose that just the first time went along in the tracks expedition of the Wanderer. Medina Kamil, he the strong female noose that could terombang – the udder in the middle of Arafuru sea for 24 hours and was casted ashore in an island not have inhabitants for 4 days. “Di Pulau Tiga I with the team that was safe must survive by eating any that could be eaten even to drink must rely on water hujan,” said Medina opened discussions. Acknowledged by Dina just as he is normally greeted, his first trip to Papua so was the experience that will never he forgot. However for the youngest child from 4 related this admitted to not learning his lesson with the experience.
For the girl penyuka this hot food, hope could in front of him become the presenter who was better because to become a competent presenter evidently was not as easy that the person estimated. OK Dina see you in your trip was following
1. Nama Lengkap | : Medina Kamil |
2. Nama Panggilan | : Dina |
3. Tempat/ Tanggal Lahir | : Jakarta, 6 April |
4. Bintang (zodiac) | : Aries |
5. Tinggi/ Berat | : 168 cm/ 55 kg |
6. Status | : Single |
7. Hobby | : Jalan-jalan, Nonton Film & Baca Buku |
8. Nama Orang Tua | : H. Kamil Syueb (alm) & Hj. Annisyah |
9. Pendidikan | : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pancasila |
10. Olahraga Favorit | : Renang |
11. Makanan Favorit | : Tempe dan yang pedas-pedas |
12. Motto hidup | : Tak ada yang tidak mungkin kalau kita berusaha |
13. Email | : medinajp@cybi.netThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it |
14. Presenter Program | : Jejak Petualang |
medina kamil,
youngest child
Tips the Radio Presenter
You wanted to become the radio presenter? In the openness era now the opportunity of having a career in radio really is open. You could begin in local radio that when being developed continued skill him will end in Washington or London. Radio now is the journalism medium was very important and was not yet replaceable television. The radio presenter was needed followed this current multimedia era. Therefore had several tips that could be useful to become the radio presenter especially the broad presenter news and current affairs.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The competent presenter and lasted long was needed not only skills communicated
Several tips important to become the competent presenter.
- Tips 1 Know Your Self to know definitely surpluses himself that could in with as capital to be featured and published. So must have the feeling of the self-confidence.
- Tips 2 Personality position images brand the image was preferably done the first time when beginning this career, for example want chose the 'serious' image or the further 'humorist' must be consistent with this image for chose design that in accordance with the image that wanted to be featured. Better stay consistent in the choice of early, because very much we were involved in a work of determining the image.
- Tips 3 Great Character security certain attitudes in order to receive the colleague's belief of the business like right on time, discipline, selective towards the agenda election et cetera.
A Presenter Television
A Presenter Television, at the beginning of the agenda, always did OPENING Program, while explained very brief about the program that would he the guide. One of them, took the form of the appearance of the Presenter TVRI, Damas B.Mulyono, when opening the agenda of the BOOK that was broadcasted Nationally through TVRI Jakarta of the world treasury. This agenda, took place around February 2007 up to February 2008, totalling twenty editions. Originally, the program a kind, was produced by TVRI Stasiun Yogyakarta, between 1984 - 1986, by the name of that was same, but was guided by two presenters.
Friday, November 14, 2008
German public television network

On Sunday sacked a popular talk show host and former news presenter after she and had praised the family policies of the Nazis at a news conference for her new book on child-rearing. NDR television program director Volker Herres said on the NDR website the network had fired Eva Herman, 48, with immediate effect for her comments "that we deemed to be incompatible to her role as a television presenter and talk show host."
SoHerman, who was a news presenter for the network's flagship "Tagesschau" news program for 18 years to 2006, has also hosted several other talk shows on NDR.Link...
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Presenter 5
This Product consulting offers a range of consulting services to assist customers. The application development cycle. Product consulting is offers in-depth knowledge for Presenter and EmPresent internals along with expertise in a rich spectrum of vertical domains.
Product Consulting offerings:Link for Developer's Training
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Macromedia Flash MX
Macromedia Flash Mx Can make media education for presenter. There is program aplication from adobe production
Macromedia Flash MX 7.0
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Presenter's school co-operated with the TV station or the production house

The "presenter's school co-operated with the TV station or the production house this gave the road for the student to increase the acquaintance and have a career in this field," he said. He then received the work as the Prambors radio transmitter because was reported by one of the teachers who became the transmitter in this radio. Another with the Feng Shui agenda presenter in one of the of private enterprise's Ovy Wu television. Ovy decided to gather with TALC-Inc precisely when becoming the presenter TV. Wanita that also was professional as this model claimed want to smoother guided the agenda and controlled technical in a deep manner.
The requirement that wanted to be achieved by Ovy this could be fulfilled with material pembelajaran that was provided TALC-Inc. The woman was 25 years old this got material like the vowel expression, the technique spoke, and did not escape was the problem of the appearance. As determining the fashion that was exact when bringing the agenda. After four months took part in the course, Ovy increasingly stable spoke in front of the camera. The voice that was produced even round and more powerful, his breath was even longer. What was the article? Apparently Ovy used diaphragm breathing. "Technically this breathing was taught in TALC-Inc, uptil now I used chest breathing." Automatically the voice that went out not round and the breath was shorter, said the graduate of this Tarumanegara University. Technically this breathing was very useful for him nearby to read the text, but also when did voice over.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Presentation Studio
Presentation Studio
Presentation Studio membolehkan siapa saja dengan segera menimbulkan pemberian multi-media kaya dengan mudah-ke-menggunakan mengarang dan alat narasi. Sekarang siapa saja bisa menciptakan dan mengantarkan isi multi-media dampak tinggi untuk di-permintaan pemberian di balik Jaringan. Belajar lebih banyak di sekitar Presentation Center oleh mendownload data sheet today.
Presentation Studio membolehkan siapa saja dengan segera menimbulkan pemberian multi-media kaya dengan mudah-ke-menggunakan mengarang dan alat narasi. Sekarang siapa saja bisa menciptakan dan mengantarkan isi multi-media dampak tinggi untuk di-permintaan pemberian di balik Jaringan. Belajar lebih banyak di sekitar Presentation Center oleh mendownload data sheet today.

Monday, October 13, 2008
The Grafis program and Multimedia Software
The Grafis program and Multimedia Software the Graphic program that often was used was: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Photo of the Editor, FreehandMX, Corel Draw et cetera. Software Program Multimedia that was used for the video editing was: Windows Movie Maker, Pinnacle Studio, Ulead Video Studio, Adobe Premier Pro et cetera. Respectively the program had strength and weaknesses special, depended our requirement.
The Grafis
The Database program
The Database program that often was used was Ms Access. Like that was discussed beforehand in the Hardware part and Software about the data and information, this time we will discuss that his name of Database. Database was the collection from the data that was compiled in such a way as to be able to give exact and accurate information. The principle database was that the data might not there is one that is same precisely more than very much because of resulting in the double data and being difficult to determine which true data. So Ms. Access applied DBMS (Database Management System) that arranged the production database that was good and true.
The Presentasi Program
Program the presentation that often was used was Ms Power Point. To make a presentation could be carried out with 3 methods, that is: 1. with Wizard (From Autocontent Wizard.. ) 2. with the Form (From Design Template) 3. with Blank Presentation (Blank Presentation) The presentation that was made will form slide. One slide was the same as one page of the presentation. Every time slide could be inserted the multimedia component like the voice, the photograph, the graph/the picture, the film as well as the text or the article. To put forward all slide that was made in the form of the presentation be used by Slide Show facilities.
How output file him?
For the results resolution output, Flash provided the choice of the form file output that was more heterogenous. Definitely the form output this could be adapted to the requirement. You could pack him in the form of file movie flash (swf), html, or file the application stand-alone (exe) where you did not need again Flash Player to undertake him. Various fitur, the ease, and flexibility that spread everywhere in content this multimedia, appropriate apparently if Flash was made one of the alternatives to the program during the requirement made the presentation. To know more far the Flash utilisation, Anda could visit website him,
Flash Slide Presentation
Flash Slide Presentation If above was one of the reasons, evidently in Flash also did something wrong one fitur that often was paid attention to or used, namely Flash Slide Presentation (in fact the writer also previously could pass him). Someone usually begins the project with made file flash just, possibly because of the characteristics stage that more familiar and flexible to di’apa-apa’kan, and indeed was like this his matter. Guidebooks for the program thus discussed fitur and the step in this stage. In fact, Slide Presentation also humankind, his intention some fitur that cute and sweet to be tried. If you were used to it made file the presentation with the kind program of Microsoft PowerPoint, with fitur this you will not experience the difficulty of using him.
Macromedia Flash as we knew more was known as the program to make various sorts animasi interactive
Macromedia Flash as we knew more was known as the program to make various sorts animasi interactive. File-file results exporting of flash also now often decorated the page web. Moreover replaced the role of the manufacturer's programs of the page web, because not few pages web contained content file flash was full. Apart from his capacity in the matter animasi, with flash we could also create the multimedia project by adding the voice and the video. Various tool for the requirement for the visual design also always was renewed from the version to the version. Built-in ActionScript will give us the freedom that more in berkreativitas to give the interactive touch of the program. Several fitur this that made flash as one of the favourite programs animator to process various needs of the production of the program animasi and multimedia.
make various,
sorts animasi
The presentation was to send information
The presentation was to send information and to give the data and gave the data that was complete for the certain aim in a speaking manner in front of the public, including inside was the presentation of the scientific paper, the work program or the co-operation proposal. The presentation program had a function of presenting a paper, both paper took the form of a product, business paper, the work program and knowledge paper. The profit of the presentation program was each kind of paper that was put forward interestingly and interactively. The presentation program used the presentation as unity slide that put forward the data that will be put forward moreover the presentation program could unite the text and the figure that sdah was gathered as well as used the picture and slide with the touch tampilan and interesting results. One of the presentation programs that could in studied was Microsoft Power Point. The method undertook this program same as undertaking the other application program. From the screen desktop the Windows program, clicked Start, then chose the Program, afterwards chose Microsoft Power Point.
Macromedia Flash MX 7.0 Presenter Program
Link Program to
Macromedia Flash MX 7.0
Macromedia Flash MX 7.0,
Did the presenter dress correctly?
True clothes were important untuk stressed the credibility and relations dengan the viewer.
the pocket of clothes presenter will be very annoying
Held an object during berbicara showed the nervousness and even keinginan ran away from participants. When presenter used pointer to attract attention pada an object, pointer this must diturunkan after being used, than continued held dan played him (was the same his matter with the laser pointer and re-beads). Small change or the key that berbunyi when colliding that was in the pocket of clothes presenter will be very annoying.
Often, participants did not know the question
Often, participants did not know the question What that will be asked about on the end of studying time. Although, they possibly memiliki the question after they had time untuk thought about the contents and the relevant presentation. Information concerning the presenter's address, when necessary, must be provided for participants with jaminan that their question will continue to ditanggapi although being given afterwards.
The problem for the presenter
If The presenter must depend on the card petunjuk or the note from his discussions, this dapat showed that the presenter a) not merasa was certain of the contents of his discussions and harus depended on the note, b) was not ready, or c) tidak too interested with the related topic to rehearse the presentation in the point where the note tidak was needed. One of the three assumptions tersebut was felt by participants will become the problem bagi the presenter.
the presenter could move dari one field to the other
This not to suggest so that presenter “berkeliaran” all through the room (the habit yang very annoying that caused peserta must change his position continually). But, to make the transition between tujuan or the topic studied, the presenter could move dari one field to the other field from the room atau the stage and, when moving, berikan the dialogue that will move the aim/the topic during ini to that was following.
The successful presenter
Served and sold the product was almost same. The successful presenter must persuade, enthusiastic, and sincere when they hoped could “menjual” the concept that what will be sent was important for participants to be studied.
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