the date of the Implementation: 14 – on February 15 2009 Waktu: the Place: the Studio Bandung TV, Street. The Horse race of Arcamanik – Bandung
the Description:
Towards conservation of the development of the Sundanese language, as well as on the occasion of welcomed the Bahasa Ibu Day of more than one World on February 21 2009, Bandung TV held “Lomba Presenter in the Sunda” Language.
The condition:
- the Man or perempuan
- Have A Appearance menarik
- Aged between 16 and 25 tahun
- Fluent at speaking Sunda
- Have A Perception luas
- Not Yet menikah
paid the Rp registration cost 50,000 for charter and snack - handed over one photograph of RESIDENCY CARD coffee/Kartu Tanda of the Student/Kartu Pelajar - attached one photograph close-up The registration of participants was begun to 4 till February 13 2009 in the Studio Bandung TV.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Student Career Center (MSCC)
Maranatha Student Career Center (MSCC) co-operated with the Bisnis Mahasiswa Unit (UBM) and Inbek Management held talkshow that featured “One Day Talkshow as an editorial: the Jadi Presenter Beken Method. ” Acara bincang-bincang this invited the presenter who indeed has been well known that is Indra Bekti and Indy Barends. The agenda that was classified as grand this just was begun in struck 17,00 WIB where one hour beforehand, the spectators have flooded the area of GSG. Tampaknya they were indeed very enthusiastic want to very much saw the normal speaker was seen by them in the glasses screen. Rinny for example. The semester student of three Industri technical routes was willing meluangkan the time was waiting around GSG since two hours before the agenda. “Memang I and friends has from two previous hours here to if able to enter, we wanted to sit in the seat most depan,” he said while laughing during diwawancara by DWA. Kemudian he also added that he really want to very much saw Indra and Indy directly, moreover the agenda that had the theme.
When Indy arrived in UKM, the two presenters who were known as the master of ceremonies “Ceriwis” in this Trans TV immediately was brought memutari GSG to be able to emerge from the stand on the stage so as will become surprise for the spectators. Instantly Indra said “Haloooo Maranatha”, then the spectators then shouted hysterical and sought from where the voice came. The Indy emergence could be then considered to be startling the spectator because beforehand Indra and the committee agreed to say that Indy will not come. When the spectator heard the Indy voice, not a little of the they who then moved from his seat and afterwards ran pursued Indy to take the picture. The agenda that was opened by the welcome from Mr Rektor UKM this afterwards was continued by inviting ten spectators who beforehand have registered himself to join a kind of the presenter's their respective contest to be given by time five minutes then. After they were finished, they were afterwards considered and commented directly on by Indra and Indy. This agenda was met by candaan Indy
When Indy arrived in UKM, the two presenters who were known as the master of ceremonies “Ceriwis” in this Trans TV immediately was brought memutari GSG to be able to emerge from the stand on the stage so as will become surprise for the spectators. Instantly Indra said “Haloooo Maranatha”, then the spectators then shouted hysterical and sought from where the voice came. The Indy emergence could be then considered to be startling the spectator because beforehand Indra and the committee agreed to say that Indy will not come. When the spectator heard the Indy voice, not a little of the they who then moved from his seat and afterwards ran pursued Indy to take the picture. The agenda that was opened by the welcome from Mr Rektor UKM this afterwards was continued by inviting ten spectators who beforehand have registered himself to join a kind of the presenter's their respective contest to be given by time five minutes then. After they were finished, they were afterwards considered and commented directly on by Indra and Indy. This agenda was met by candaan Indy
glasses screen,
Student Career Center,
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Tips Presenter Radio
Tips Untuk Menjadi Seorang Presenter Radio yang baik, diperlukan beberapa hal antara lain adalah:
1. Olah suara yang baik.
2. Membaca yang jelas, dalam artian suara jelas adalah tidak adanya gema suara.
3. terbiasa bicara didepan mic, agar tidak muncul terdengar gagap.
Dengan tips pertama ini diharapkan para peserta presenter bisa menjadi yang terbaik dalam pekerjaanya, terutama MC yang setiap hari harus on line.
1. Olah suara yang baik.
2. Membaca yang jelas, dalam artian suara jelas adalah tidak adanya gema suara.
3. terbiasa bicara didepan mic, agar tidak muncul terdengar gagap.
Dengan tips pertama ini diharapkan para peserta presenter bisa menjadi yang terbaik dalam pekerjaanya, terutama MC yang setiap hari harus on line.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Program Presenter Power Point Dengan bantuan Flash
With menggunaka adobe flash, then file power point could be transferred direct inside mode flash, that eventually can give the picture and the better colour and menarik. therefore the presenter who was done will increase the positive value in the system presenter. to know your further functions could link here...
flash player,
power point
Monday, December 1, 2008
Tantowi Yahya, Education would receive program how appeared as the presenter/MC professional
This training was designed for the beginners and professional that ingin better understood the Presenter's profession/MC. Education would receive program how appeared as the presenter/MC professional, made schedule in accordance with the theme of the agenda, improvisation and ice breaking as well as mode the interview with audiens.
- Tantowi Yahya
- Tubagus Wahyudi
- Ahmad Zae Hanan
- Charles Bonar Sirait
- Amy Zein
- Kiki Ismail
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Mr. Robert, so MC the presenter in our agenda
There was one of SMS. Mr. Robert, so MC/the presenter in our agenda … etc.. Oops. After I thought about it, this was the offer that was umpteenth for me to MC or the presenter. If becoming the presenter in the meaning gave presentation material I have been normal, but this time that was meant to be to become the agenda guide. Nah right. Evidently requirement from them was the person who understood of information technology/the telecommunications and could speak England, because of his participants had some (big? ) was the foreigner. Nah right. Nah right, nah right continued! Apparently must receive this new profession. Only, I have tried several times evidently was not easy to become MC/the presenter. (must study to Sir Angger here. ) was increased still must speak England also. Oh, must see the presenter's video in Oscar's agenda, Emmy, Music awards the time ok? I have to sharpen up my English and (English) joke. Or better the jet, let me switch my carrier into a stand up.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The loyal viewer Trans7 especially the tracks program

The loyal viewer Trans7 especially the tracks program of the Wanderer possibly still remembered with the disaster incident long boat that struck the team of the expedition of Papua Jejak of the Wanderer some time before. One from 5 crews that took part in becoming casualties was a young female noose that just the first time went along in the tracks expedition of the Wanderer. Medina Kamil, he the strong female noose that could terombang – the udder in the middle of Arafuru sea for 24 hours and was casted ashore in an island not have inhabitants for 4 days. “Di Pulau Tiga I with the team that was safe must survive by eating any that could be eaten even to drink must rely on water hujan,” said Medina opened discussions. Acknowledged by Dina just as he is normally greeted, his first trip to Papua so was the experience that will never he forgot. However for the youngest child from 4 related this admitted to not learning his lesson with the experience.
For the girl penyuka this hot food, hope could in front of him become the presenter who was better because to become a competent presenter evidently was not as easy that the person estimated. OK Dina see you in your trip was following
1. Nama Lengkap | : Medina Kamil |
2. Nama Panggilan | : Dina |
3. Tempat/ Tanggal Lahir | : Jakarta, 6 April |
4. Bintang (zodiac) | : Aries |
5. Tinggi/ Berat | : 168 cm/ 55 kg |
6. Status | : Single |
7. Hobby | : Jalan-jalan, Nonton Film & Baca Buku |
8. Nama Orang Tua | : H. Kamil Syueb (alm) & Hj. Annisyah |
9. Pendidikan | : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pancasila |
10. Olahraga Favorit | : Renang |
11. Makanan Favorit | : Tempe dan yang pedas-pedas |
12. Motto hidup | : Tak ada yang tidak mungkin kalau kita berusaha |
13. Email | : medinajp@cybi.netThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it |
14. Presenter Program | : Jejak Petualang |
medina kamil,
youngest child
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